Field experiences

JOGMEC-TRC Overseas Training Program “Reservoir Engineering Course”

Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)
Japan (Venue)
1989 - 2017

As one of the oil and gas consumers in the world, Japan strengthens its relationships with oil- and gas-producing countries by contributing to the advancement of global petroleum development technologies. JOGMEC supports this effort by inviting geoscientists and engineers from oil- and gas-producing countries to Japan and provides training courses in a broad array of specialized technologies. JOGMEC-TRC Overseas Training Program began in fiscal year of 1989. “Reservoir Engineering Course” had started since then, which was in the age of the former Japan National Oil Corporation (JNOC), and it has been counted 19 times including the age of JNOC. JOE has been in charge all of them and received higher appreciation from participants.


In fiscal year of 2016, the course has been conducted from Feb. 13, 2017 to Apr. 21, 2017, and 28 engineers from 25 countries (i.e. from South-east Asia, Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, Central and South America, Oceania and Russia) participated. The course included log analysis, core analysis, well test analysis, comprehensive analysis including fluid analysis, reservoir simulation and geostatistical analysis including workshop.



Compared to 2014, the followings were updated in reservoir engineering and simulation workshops.


● Making VFP (Vertical Flow Performance) tables

● EOS (Equation of State) modeling of reservoir fluids

● Gravity segregation on multiphase flow

● Reservoir simulation with geostatistical reservoir model

● Assisted history matching and optimization

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